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7th. Year7th. Year sec.2


Seventh Year Study Section 1

   This is the first presentation of a particular point in time that applies the DEKELEE information to a given event. 

   The Lord willing, over a period of time, I will show many such examples.  Perhaps you can see some!


Ingredients for building a Timeline

   I’m going to take you on a trip back in time so you can better understand the lay of the land (Timeline wise) pertaining to making Timelines.

   To do this I’m going to start out very simple and then add to it as I go. O.K. I’m going to try to keep it from becoming to confusing to fast.It will get there soon enough!

   Your people are going to want to know more as time goes on, and you are going to be their teacher. So I’m going to make this paper into a “prop” that you can use with them.

--- Here we go ---

Remember, the Timeline is nothing more than a series of boxes that we use to show a Jubilee of time. Like this:

Only, I don’t want them to be flat.
I want to stack them in columns of 7 boxes in each stack.
And then I’m going make 7 such columns so that I can have a cluster that will give me 49 boxes all together.
Like this …

49 years in all

   God said in Leviticus 25 that we are to work the land for 6 years, and then let it rest on the 7th year.

   So this time, I will take the same set of stacks and re-use them.  Only this time I will mark it differently to show Working Years and Rest Years.

Before I leave this area, I should also throw in something about the 50th Moon year that is  also  mentioned in Leviticus 25.  The Moon year count is different than the Solar year count  that I started out with.

     Of course, since they have a different length to them, (11 days shorter shorter, See “Units of Measure”) their 50th year finishes in the middle of the 49th Solar year.  I’ll show both their 1st year and their 50th year in yellow. Below, you will see them start and end with a red line.  In the Bible story the 1st Moon year starts out on 1/10 of the 1st Solar year because of the Jordan crossing delay , and then the 50th Moon year ends on the 10th day of the 7th Month of the 49 Solar year!


So in those 49 years we work the land for 42 years, and we rest it 7 years. Now I just showed you 7 sets of 7 year cycles which make 49 years like Leviticus 25 says.  But, since I’m going to make a whole big bunch of these 49 year units, it will be easier if I number them like they are, in fact ,49 year units of time.  Like this:


   And now we can make a whole bunch of Jubilees, like this: but so far, if we don’t mark each stack differently, we wouldn’t be able to tell any  difference between the stacks.  I guess I could mark them as Stack 1, Stack 2, etc., but there’s a better way. 


  Additionally, for identification purposes I need to use some type of numbering system that will show each Jubilee to be different from the next one.

    I know, I could use “Reset Cycle” numbers instead of the yearly count from before. Remember each Jubilee has 30 possible different “Reset” position to it, and so does each year of that Jubilee.

   That fact, in itself, would give thousands of different patterns that a given Jubilee can have. If I  use those we would really have a large different pattern for marking each Jubilee block of 49 years. Let’s call that the Jubilees profile.








   October 12th 1492 A.D. was the 1st Year of the 7 year cycle in the original Exodus (God blessed) Jubilee system.  Being such, it marks a new beginning for those involved.

   October 12th 1942 falls in the 7th month of God’s Year where you are supposed to be outside in a temporary structure waiting for Him to bring you into His House.  The temporary housing was called the Santa Maria.


The voice from the crows nest announced the sighting of land in the dim light. That dim light was not Sun Light, but Moon Light! Did you know that?

And so, America as we have become to know it, was birthed into life. A NEW LIFE! All on God’s perfect time count. You can do this with any year, in any time period.

Now we have a new kind of yardstick, don’t we?

Try a year of your own, and see what you can learn. With God, nothing is by chance!

Thank God for His GIFTS to men!



For more information, please contact:
Lalo Codona 
 Box 7, Cedarville, CA. 96104



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